
Assistant Professor Jared Talbot nominated for the Chi-Bin Chien Award

Assistant Professor Jared Talbot has been nominated for the Chi-Bin Chien Award, the new investigator award for the International Zebrafish Society. The award recognizes outstanding graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, or recently-appointed faculty members from any country who have made significant contributions to the field of zebrafish research and have exhibited the generosity and openness that […]

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NSFA Graduate Student Research Awards Competition

Please join us to support NSFA and learn about some of the research graduate students are doing, tomorrow (Wednesday, February 26) 10 am – 2 pm in 57 Stodder Hall, here at UMaine: 2020 Graduate Student Research Awards Competition Flyer

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Publish or Perish? A Graduate Student’s Guide to Publishing

March 5 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Fogler Library Classroom I or via Zoom Join faculty and graduate students from across disciplines to discuss what to consider when publishing, what to watch out for, who to consult in the process, how to respond to reviews, and tips for reaching audiences and gaining visibility of one’s work. […]

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McGill named one of the most cited researchers in the world

University of Maine professor of biological sciences Brian McGill, whose research focuses on modeling large-scale ecology and global change, has been named one of the 2019 Highly Cited Researchers worldwide, according to the Web of Science Group. Read the full story here.

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SBE 2019 Holiday Party Ornament Contest

Three creative ornament contest entries graced this year’s SBE Holiday Tree in Murray Hall. Entries had to be created only out of materials available in each team’s lab. Danielle Levesque’s lab had the winning ornament with their flying squirrel trap. They also put a homemade flying squirrel sugar cookie on the tree. This one was […]

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Jasmine Saros Named Fellow of ASLO

SBE’s own Jasmine Saros was recently named a Fellow by the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.  She was named Fellow due to her dedicated work in “[reconstructing] past environmental conditions in lakes,” and her “contributions to the association and to aquatic sciences.”  You can read more here! Published December 13, 2019.

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National Science Foundation EPSCoR Funds Maine Environmental DNA Initiative

The National Science Foundation EPSCoR recently awarded the University of Maine and Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences (along with other collaborators and organizations) a $20 million grant to help fund the Maine Environmental DNA Initiative (or Maine-eDNA).  Maine-eDNA hopes to position Maine as “a national leader in the understanding and sustainable use of coastal ecosystems,” […]

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Ph.D student takes research to Borneo

Ecology and Environmental Sciences Ph. D student, Ana Breit, is currently in Borneo for the summer to study how small tropical mammals regulate their body temperature.  Her research hopes to “inform people about the physiology of these animals” for use in models on how climate change could affect them.  You can read more about Breit […]

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SBE faculty receive Faculty Mentor Impact Awards

SBE faculty, Kristy Townsend and Jasmine Saros, were awarded Faculty Mentor Impact Awards this May for their work in mentoring students in and out of class and lab time.  You can read about the other winners here. Published June 14, 2019.

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Biology Undergrad named Salutatorian

Biology undergrad, Ana Eliza Souza Cunha, was recently named the University of Maine salutatorian and Outstanding Graduating Student in the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture.  You can read more about Souza Cunha, her work, and her accomplishments on the University of Maine’s blog here. Published May 7th, 2019.

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Biology Undergraduate to earn degree after 11 years of hardship

UMaine undergraduate Courtney Hatton will be graduating this May after 11 years of obstacles in her way to her degree.  Despite being confronted with years of hardship as she worked to earn her degree in biology, she persevered to achieve her academic goals.  You can read her full story here. Published April 19, 2019.

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