Kate Ruskin

Kate Ruskin's photoSenior Lecturer and Undergraduate Coordinator in Ecology and Environmental Sciences 

Degree: PhD 2015, University of Maine
Phone: 207.581.3177
Email: katharine.ruskin@maine.edu
Pronouns:  she/her/hers
Location: 123 Bryand Global Sciences Center
Website: Saltmarsh Habitat and Avian Research Program (SHARP)

Research Topic:
conservation, global change ecology, birds, population biology, tidal marshes

Research Program: I study conservation in the face of global change, and I use this topic to broadly work at the intersection of education, research, and outreach. I think both education and outreach have the power to maximize the impact of research, which is particularly important for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide.  For the past few years, I have studied the demographics of tidal marsh birds, which are threatened by habitat loss and sea level rise.  In general, I used field-collected data to advance our understanding of ecological theory, engage with stakeholders such as wildlife managers and the public, and educate people about environmental science.