Erin Grey
Assistant Professor of Aquatic Genetics
Degree: PhD 2009, University of Chicago
Phone: (207) 581-2541
Location: 172 Hitchner Hall (office), 294 Hitchner (lab)
Pronouns: she/hers
Research Topic: biodiversity, genetics, connectivity, invasive species, larval ecology, environmental DNA
Research Program: My research aims to understand the abiotic and biotic drivers of ecological change in aquatic ecosystems, and then help develop forecasting tools and technologies to sustainably manage these ecosystems in an uncertain future. This work involves field and lab studies that utilize a range of methods, from plankton nets to the latest environmental DNA and RNA technologies, and focus across variety of ecological levels, from SNPs to communities. I have a fondness for invertebrates but enjoy collaborating in other taxonomic groups and ecosystems. Current projects include developing eDNA methods to survey biodiversity in vernal pools and freshwater wetlands, biodiversity and genetic connectivity of deep sea mounts, larval transport and connectivity of marine invertebrates in current and future climates, and using eDNA metabarcoding surveys to evaluate network models of global ship-born species spread.