Author: pkillian

EES/SBE/CCI PhD student Alessandro Mereghetti awarded NSF Arctic Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant

PhD student Alessandro Mereghetti has been awarded an NSF Arctic DDRIG: Assessing the impacts of Pleistocene megaherbivores n vegetation stability and resilience in the Arctic ($56,118). This will support his upcoming fieldwork in Alaska, using ancient DNA to reconstruct the last 120,000 years around Squirrel Lake in the Kotzebue Sound region. Congratulations, Alessandro!

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PhD students leading moonlight walk at Hirundo Wildlife Refuge Dec 8

SBE/EES PhD students Kenzie Roeder and Eric Brown will be leading a moonlight walk at Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, 1107 West Old Town Road, Gate 1, Old Town, to raise some funds and do some educational outreach on their thermography research. Join them this Thursday, Dec 8 at 6:30 pm. Adults $15, Youth and Students, $10. […]

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SBE Assistant Professor Víctor Ortega-Jiménez featured in New York Times and Science News for PNAS paper on the amazing aeronautics of springtails

Read the PNAS paper, Directional takeoff, aerial righting, and adhesion landing of semiaquatic springtails, here: Read the New York Times article, and watch some impressive videos here: And read the Science News story with video here:

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Assistant Professor John Zhang publishes paper in journal New Phytologist

Per Dr. Zhang, the paper, titled Xylem conduit deformation across vascular plants: an evolutionary spandrel or protective valve? is an important contribution to plant hydraulics and plant physiology. It will change our view on how plants transport water; most vascular plants transport water using soft tubings (conduits) in leaves rather than rigid pipes (as we previously thought).” […]

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Bio Club hosts Bog Walk

Informational Session on October 5, 5:30 PM, in Murray Hall at UMaine, room 106 Please contact for more info.

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Former student Dr. Rabern Simmons, along with his mentor, SBE’s Dr. Joyce Longcore, among the authors of a paper featured on the issue cover of the journal PNAS

It has been assumed that fungi are characterized by a haploid-dominant life cycle with a general absence of mitosis in the diploid stage (haplontic life cycles). However, this characterization is based largely on information for Dikarya, a group of fungi that contains mushrooms, lichens, molds, yeasts, and most described fungi. We now appreciate that most […]

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