Constance S. Stubbs

Constance S. Stubbs

Research Assistant Professor Emerita
Degree: Ph.D. 1992 University of Maine
Research Topic:
Pollination ecology, lichenology, mycology

Research Program:

My current pollination research includes the effects of invasive plants on native pollinator foraging behavior on native plants in Acadia National Park, the overwintering potential of queen bumblebees in the lowbush blueberry agroecosystem, the effects of clearcutting and herbicides on native bees and other Hymenoptera in Maine, and conservation of native bees. Other areas of research interests include the effects of management practices on the incidence and severity of fungal pathogens of lowbush blueberry, lichen-invertebrate interactions (e. g. dispersal of lichens by insects; lichens serving as shelter and food), and lichen health on red spruce along an air pollution gradient.