Christopher Cronan
Professor Emeritus of Biology and Ecology
Research Topic:
Biogeochemistry; plant ecology; ecosystem ecology; land use planning
My research focuses on ecosystem-level biogeochemistry, forest ecology, and watershed analysis. Specific interests include element cycling patterns and processes, comparative soil chemistry in forest ecosystems, linkages between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, organic matter cycling and decomposition, chemistry and role of humic acids in forest ecosystems, land-use effects on water quality in large river systems, effects of air pollution, acidic deposition on forested watersheds, carbon cycling, and global change.
Cronan, C.S. 2018. Ecosystem Biogeochemistry – Element Cycling in the Forest Landscape. Springer International Publishers. 203 p. [a textbook]
Weil, K.K., C.S. Cronan, S.R. Meyer, R.J. Lilieholm, T.J. Danielson, L.Tsomides, and D. Owen. 2018. Predicting stream vulnerability to urbanization stress with Bayesian network models. Landscape and Urban Planning 170:138-149.
Parr, T.B., C.S. Cronan, T.J. Danielson, L. Tsomides, and K.S. Simon. 2016. Aligning indicators of community composition and biogeochemical function in stream monitoring and ecological assessments. Ecological Indicators 60: 970-979.
Parr, T.B, C.S. Cronan, T. Ohno, S.E.G. Findlay, S.M.C. Smith, and K.S. Simon. 2015. Urbanization changes the composition and bioavailability of DOM in headwater streams. Limnology & Oceanography 60: 885-900. doi:10.1002/lno.10060.
Meyer, S.R., M.L. Johnson, R.J. Lilieholm, and C.S. Cronan. 2014. Development of a stakeholder-driven spatial modeling framework for strategic landscape planning using Bayesian networks across two urban-rural gradients in Maine, USA. Ecological Modelling 291:42-57.
Meyer, S.R., C.S. Cronan, R.J. Lilieholm, M.L. Johnson, and D.R. Foster. 2014. Land conservation in northern New England: historic trends and alternative conservation futures. Biological Conservation 174: 152-160.
Cronan, C.S. 2012. Biogeochemistry of the Penobscot River Watershed, Maine, USA: Nutrient Export Patterns for Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184: 4279-4288. DOI 10:1007/s10661-011-2263-8.
McCloskey, J.T., R.J. Lilieholm, and C.S. Cronan. 2011. Using Bayesian belief networks to identify potential compatibilities and conflicts between development and landscape conservation. Landscape and Urban Planning: 101: 190-203.
Cronan, C.S., R.J. Lilieholm, J. Tremblay, and T. Glidden. 2010. An assessment of land conservation patterns in Maine based on spatial analysis of ecological and socioeconomic indicators. Environmental Management 45: 1076-1095. DOI 10.1007/s00267-010-9481-7
Cronan, C.S. 2010. Major cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Al). pp. 354 – 360 in Gene E. Likens (ed) Biogeochemistry of Inland Waters. Academic Press,San Diego, CA.
Morse, C.C., A.D. Huryn, and C.S. Cronan. 2003. Impervious surface area as a predictor of the effects of urbanization on stream insect communities in Maine, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 89: 95-127.
Cronan, C.S. 2003. Belowground biomass, production, and carbon cycling in mature Norway spruce, Maine, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 339-350.
Driscoll, C., D. Whitall, J. Aber, E. Boyer, M. Castro, C. Cronan, C. Goodale, P. Groffman, C. Hopkinson, K., Lambert, G. Lawrence, and S. Ollinger. 2003. Nitrogen pollution in the northeastern United States: sources, effects, and management options. BioScience 53: 357-374.
Driscoll, C.T., G. Lawrence, A. Bulger, T. Butler, C. S. Cronan, C. Eager, K. F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J. Stoddard, and K. Weathers. 2001. Acidic deposition in the Northeastern U.S.: sources and inputs, ecosystem effects, and management strategies. BioScience 51: 180-198.
Cronan, C.S., J.T. Piampiano, and H.H. Patterson. 1999. Influence of land use and hydrology on exports of carbon and nitrogen in a Maine river basin. Journal of Environmental Quality 28: 953-961.
Lytle, D.E. and C.S. Cronan. 1998. Comparative soil carbon dioxide evolution, litter decay, and root dynamics in clearcut and uncut spruce-fir forest. Forest Ecology & Management 103:123-130.
Cronan, C.S. and D.F. Grigal. 1995. Use of Ca/Al ratios as indicators of stress in forest ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Quality 24:209-226.
Cronan, C.S. and C.L. Schofield. 1990. Relationships between aqueous aluminum and acidic deposition in forested watersheds of North America and northern Europe. Environmental Science & Technology 24:1100-1105.
Cronan, C.S., C.T. Driscoll, R.M. Newton, J.M. Kelly, C.L. Schofield, R.J. Bartlett, and R. April. 1990. A comparative analysis of aluminum biogeochemistry in a northeastern and a southeastern forested watershed. Water Resources Research 26:1413-1430.
Cronan, C.S., W.J. Walker, and P.R. Bloom. 1986. Predicting aqueous aluminum concentrations in natural waters. Nature 324:140-143.
Cronan, C.S. and G.R. Aiken. 1985. Chemistry and transport of soluble humic substances in forested watersheds of the Adirondack Park, New York. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 49:1697-1705.
Cronan, C.S. and C.L. Schofield. 1979. Aluminum leaching response to acid precipitation: effects on high elevation watersheds in the Northeast. Science 204:304-306.
Cronan, C.S., W.A. Reiners, R.C. Reynolds, Jr., and G.E. Lang. 1978. Forest floor leaching: contributions from mineral, organic, and carbonic acids in New Hampshire subalpine forests. Science 200:309-311.