Paul Rawson

Paul RawsonAssociate Professor of Marine Sciences

Degree: Ph.D. 1996 University of South Carolina
220 Murray Hall


Research Interests:
Ecological and Physiological Genetics of Marine Bivalves
Population Genetics and Phylogenetics of Marine Invertebrates
Selective Breeding of Commercially Important Shellfish

Silverbrand, S., S. Lindsay, and P. Rawson. 2021. Detection of a novel species complex of shell boring polychaetes in the Northeast United States. Invertebrate Biology, in press

Martinelli, J., H. Lopes, L. Hauser, I. Jimenez-Hidalgo, T. King, J. Padilla-Gamiño, P. Rawson, L.  Spencer, J. Williams, and C. Wood. 2020. Confirmation of the shell-boring oyster parasite Polydora  websteri (Polychaeta: Spionidae) in Washington State, USA. In Nature-Scientific Reports 10:3961.  Available: 

Adams, C., L. Mayer, P. Rawson, D. Brady and C. Newell. 2019. Detrital protein contributes to oyster  nutrition and growth in the Damariscotta Estuary, Maine, USA. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11:521-536 DOI: 

Rice, L. N., S. M. Lindsay and P. D. Rawson. 2018 Genetic homogeneity among geographically  distant populations of the blister worm, Polydora websteri. Aquaculture Env Int. 10: 437-446. {Feature Article} 

Rawson, P.D., S. Lindell, X. Guo, and I. Sunila. 2018. Patterns of growth and disease-resistance  among selectively bred and cross-bred lines of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Aquaculture,  in prep

May, M. A., K. D. Bishop, and P. D. Rawson. 2017. NMR Profiling of Metabolites in Larval and  Juvenile Blue Mussels (Mytilus edulis) under Ambient and Low Salinity Conditions. Metabolites 7(3), 33; doi:10.3390/metabo7030033

Harper, F. M., K. J. Riley, and P. D. Rawson. 2017. Novel species-specific glycoprotein on the surface  of Mytilus edulis and M. trossulus eggs. Invert Reprod Dev 61: 283-289. 

Rice, M.A., P. D. Rawson, Salinas, A. D., and Rosario, W. R. 2016. Identification and salinity  tolerance of the Western Hemisphere mussel Mytella charruana (D’Orbigny, 1842) in the  Phillippines. Journal of Shellfish Research 35: 865-873. 

Proestou, D., R.J. Corbett, J. Piesz, B.T. Vinyard, S.K. Allen Jr., J.M. Small, C. Li, M. Liu, G.  Debrosse, X. Guo, P.D. Rawson and M. Gomez-Chiarri. 2016. Performance of selectively-bred  lines of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, across eastern US estuaries. Aquaculture 464: 17-27. 

Morse, D., P.D. Rawson, and J.N. Kraeuter. 2015. Mud Blister Worm and Oyster Aquaculture. Maine  Sea Grant Fact Sheet. 8 pp. Available at: 

Zardus, J.D., D.T. Lake, M.G. Frick, and P.D. Rawson. 2014. Deconstructing an assemblange of  ‘turtle’ barnacles: species assignments and fickle fidelity in Chelonibia. Marine Biology 161: 45-59. 

Owen, E.and Rawson P.D. 2013. Genetic differentiation among sea scallop, Placopecten  magellanicus, populations in the Gulf of Maine. Marine Biology 160: 3015-3025. 

Rawson, P.D. and S. Feindel. 2012. Growth and Survival for Genetically Improved Lines of Eastern  Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and Interline Hybrids in Maine, USA. Aquaculture 326: 61-67. 

Kesamiemi J. , P.D. Rawson, S.M. Linsday, and K.E. Knott. 2012. Phylogenetic analysis of cryptic  speciation in the polychaete Pygospio elegans. Ecology and Evolution 2: 994-1007.  

Rawson, P. D., S. Lindell, X. Guo, and I. Sunila. 2011. Cross-Breeding for Improved Growth and  Disease-Resistance in the Eastern Oyster. NRAC Publication No. 206-2010, 

Rawson, P.D. and F. M. Harper. 2009. Colonization of the northwest Atlantic by the Blue Mussel,  Mytilus trossulus, postdates the Last Glacial Maximum. Marine Biology 156: 1857-1868. 

Hayhurst, S. and P.D. Rawson. 2009. Species-specific variation in larval survival and patterns of  distribution for the blue mussels Mytilus edulis and Mytilus trossulus in the Gulf of Maine. Journal  of Molluscan Studies 75: 215-222. 

Schmidt, P. S., Serrao, E. A., Pearson, G. A., Riginos, C., Rawson, P. D., Hilbish, T. J., Brawley, S.  H., Trussell, G. C., Carrington, E., Wethey, D. S., Grahame, J. W., Bonhomme, F., Rand, D. M.  2008. Ecologic Genetics in the North Atlantic: Environmental gradients and adaptation at specific  loci. Ecology 89: S91-107. 

Tsie, M. S., P. D. Rawson and S. M. Lindsay. 2008. Immunolocalization of a Gαq protein to the  chemosensory organs of Dipolydora quadrilobata (Polychaeta: Spionidae). Cell and Tissue  Research 333: 469-480

Caponera, J. A. and P. D. Rawson 2008. Evidence for Highly Divergent Duplicate and Differentially  Expressed Mannose-6-Phosphate Isomerase (MPI) Genes in the Blue Mussel, Mytilus edulis. Marine Genomics 1: 47-53. 

Owen E. F., A. D. Wanamaker, Jr, S. C. Feindel, B. R. Schöne, and P. D. Rawson. 2008. Stable  carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation in bivalve larval aragonite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica  Acta 72: 4687-4698.

Burton, R. S., R. J. Byrne, and P. D. Rawson. 2007. Three divergent mitochondrial genomes from  California populations of the copepod, Tigriopus californicus. Gene 403:53-59. (doi:10.1016/j.gene.2007.07.026). 

Rawson, P. D., P. O. Yund and S. M. Lindsday. 2007. Technical comment on divergent induced  responses to an invasive predator in marine mussel populations. Science 316: 5821  (doi:10.1126/science.1135099). 

Wanamaker, A. D., K. J. Kreutz, H. W. Borns Jr., D. S. Introne, S. F. Feindel, S. Funder, P. D.  Rawson and B. J. Barber. 2007. Experimental determination of salinity, temperature, growth,  geographic (Maine and Greenland) and metabolic effects on shell isotope chemistry of Mytilus  edulis. Paleoceanography 22 (2): PA2217. 

Rawson, P. D. and R. S. Burton. 2006. Molecular evolution at the cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 gene  among divergent populations of the intertidal copepod, Tigriopus californicus. Journal of Molecular  Evolution 62: 753-764. 

Rawson, P. D. 2005. Nonhomologous recombination between the large unassigned region of the male  and female mitochondrial genomes in the mussel, Mytilus trossulus. Journal of Molecular Evolution  61: 717-732. 

Rawson, P.D., A. McGowen, and C. Bartlett. 2004. Temporal variation in the settlement of blue  mussels (Mytilus edulis C. Linnaeus, 1758 and M. trossulus Gould 1850) in Eastern Maine. Journal  of Shellfish Research 23: 521-528. 

Rawson, P.D., C. Slaugher, and P.O. Yund. 2003. Patterns of gametic incompatibility between the  blue mussels Mytilus edulis and M. trossulus. Marine Biology 143: 317-325. 

Rawson, P.D., R. Macnamee, M.G. Frick, and K.L.Williams. 2003. Phylogeography of the coronulid  barnacle, Chelonibia testudinaria from loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta. Molecular Ecology  12 (10): 2697-2706

Maloy, A.P., B.J. Barber, and P.D. Rawson. 2003. Gametogenesis in a sympatric population of blue  mussels, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus trossulus, from Cobscook Bay, Maine (USA). Journal of  Shellfish Research 22: 119-123. 

Rawson, P.D. and R.S. Burton. 2002. Functional coadaptation between cytochrome c and cytochrome  c oxidase within allopatric populations of a marine copepod. Proceedings of the National Academy  of Sciences, USA 99: 12955-12958. 

Rawson, P.D., S. Hayhurst and B. VanScoyoc. 2001. Species composition of blue mussel populations  in the Northeastern Gulf of Maine. J. Shellfish Res. 20: 31-38. 

Rawson, P.D. and R.S. Burton. 2000. Isolation and characterization of cytochrome c from the marine  intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus. Gene 248: 15-22. 

Rawson, P.D., V. Agrawal and T.J. Hilbish. 1999. Evidence of a steep genetic break among blue  mussel (Mytilus spp.) populations associated with Cape Mendocino, CA, USA. Marine Biology  134: 201-212. 

Burton, R.S., P.D. Rawson and S. Edmands. 1999. Genetic architecture of physiological phenotypes:  empirical evidence for coadapted gene complexes. American Zoologist 39: 451-462. 

Hilbish, T.J., A. Mullinax, S.I. Dolven, A. Meyer, R.K. Koehn, and P.D. Rawson. 1999. Origin of the  antitropical distribution pattern in marine mussels (Mytilus spp.): routes and timing of trans-equatorial migration. Marine Biology 136: 69-77. 

Rawson, P.D. and T.J. Hilbish. 1998. Asymmetric introgression of female and male lineage  mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes within the European hybrid zone between Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis. Evolution 52: 100-108.  

Rawson, P.D., C.L. Secor and T.J. Hilbish. 1996. The effects of natural hybridization on the regulation  of doubly uniparental mtDNA inheritance in marine mussels (Mytilus spp.). Genetics 144: 241-248. 

Rawson, P.D., K.L. Joyner, K. Meetze and T.J. Hilbish. 1996. Evidence for intragenic recombination  within a novel genetic marker that distinguishes mussels in the Mytilus edulis species complex.  Heredity 77: 599-607. 

Rawson, P.D. and T.J. Hilbish. 1995. Evolutionary relationships among the male and female  mitochondrial DNA lineages in the Mytilus edulis species complex. Molecular Biology and  Evolution 12: 893-901. 

Rawson, P.D. and T.J. Hilbish. 1995. The distribution of male and female mtDNA lineages in  populations of the blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus and M. galloprovincialis) along the Pacific Coast  of North America. Marine Biology 124: 245-250. 

Heath, D.D., P.D. Rawson and T.J. Hilbish. 1995. PCR-based nuclear markers identify alien blue  mussel (Mytilus spp.) genotypes on the west coast of Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and  Aquatic Science 52: 2621-2627. 

Hilbish, T.J., E.P. Winn and P.D. Rawson. 1992. The genetic architecture of growth in Mercenaria  mercenaria: Genetic variation and covariation during development. Marine Biology 115: 97-104. 

Rawson, P.D. and T.J. Hilbish. 1991. Genotype-environment interaction for juvenile growth rate in the  hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. Evolution 45: 1924-1935. 

Rawson, P.D. and T.J. Hilbish. 1990. Heritability of juvenile growth for the Hard Clam, Mercenaria  mercenaria. Marine Biology 105: 429-436.