SBE senior Aldous Hofmann named an Ambassador by the American Society of Plant Biologists
Aldous Hofmann, a senior undergraduate in the Botany BS program, has been named an Ambassador by the American Society of Plant Biologists. ASPB ambassadors engage in outreach and education to both aspiring plant scientists and the general public. There are only 20 ASPB ambassadors nationwide. Aldous is an accomplished plant physiology researcher already with three scientific manuscripts in progress. He serves as lab manager for Dr. YongJiang Zhang. Aldous is active in both UMaine and the community as an Ambassador for the School of Biology and Ecology, and a member of the UM Horticulture Club, the Bangor Valley Freemasons, and the Black Bear Food Guild. He plans to attend graduate school next year to continue his research in plant physiology.
Our heartiest congratulations! Well done, Aldous!