New Seminar in Ecology, Evolution, & Complex Systems
This spring, faculty from Biology & Ecology, Economics, and Wildlife Ecology will offer a weekly seminar open to all who are interested that will meet every week. The course will cover three potential themes across both non-human and human systems: Ecology, Evolution and Complex Adaptive Systems.
Broadly, meetings will alternate between themes one and two, with potential sporadic offerings in theme three. During each meeting, faculty, research staff, or graduate students from any academic unit will present unpolished ideas on their research
in one of the above themes, or discuss a recent article that has broad accessibility, addressing some aspect of these themes.
People in the past have presented thesis proposals, grant drafts, paper ideas, conference talks, and various things they wanted input on. Many of these concerned the application of theory in diverse circumstances (e.g. conservation biology, health sciences, natural resource extraction, human language, sociology, and community engineering).
We encourage all who are interested from any academic unit to attend every other week to match their more narrow thematic interests, or attend every week to take advantage of the entire seminar series.
The seminars will be held every Thursday from 12:00 – 1:30 in 101 Norman Smith Hall.
Send questions or comments to Brian Olsen, Mike Kinnison, Brian McGill, or Tim Waring.